# Harvester 0.3.0 ## KubeConfig doesn't work, not valid for kube-vip IP, only for some "random" IPs in flannel network. This can happen when cluster is restarted, maybe if rancher pods are restarted, can be fixed with: `kubectl annotate secrets -n cattle-system tls-rancher-internal listener.cattle.io/cn-=` ` = cluster IP address` `kubectl annotate secrets -n cattle-system tls-rancher-internal listener.cattle.io/cn-` https://github.com/harvester/harvester/issues/1475 ## Need to boot with no nomodeset on harvester 0.3.0 nodes https://docs.harvesterhci.io/v0.3/troubleshooting/os/#how-to-permanently-edit-kernel-parameters ``` mount -o remount,rw $(blkid -L COS_STATE) /run/initramfs/cos-state vim /run/initramfs/cos-state/grub2/grub.cfg ```