#!/bin/bash # simple script to send/push messages to a gotify instance using curl set -aeou pipefail GOTIFY_CLI_CONFIG_FILE="${GOTIFY_CLI_CONFIG_FILE-"$HOME/.gotify.sh"}" function printHelp(){ cat << EOF Usage ${0##*/} [options..] -h,-?, --help Show help and exit -t,--title Set title of message -p,--priority Set priority of the message -T,--token Specify gotify app token -b,--bash-completion Print out bash completion and exit EOF } function print_bash_completion(){ cat << EOF GOTIFY_CLI_COMPLETE="\\ -h\\ -t\\ -p\\ -T\\ -b\\ --help\\ --title\\ --token\\ --bash-completion" _gotify_cli_complete() { local cur suggestions cur="\${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" suggestions="\$GOTIFY_CLI_COMPLETE" COMPREPLY=( \$(compgen -W "\${suggestions}" -- \${cur}) ) return 0 } complete -F _gotify_cli_complete ${0##*/} EOF } function sendMessage(){ local PRIORITY="${GOTIFY_PRIORITY:-5}" local TITLE="${GOTIFY_TITLE:-"gotify-cli"}" local TOKEN="${GOTIFY_TOKEN:-"xxxxxxxx"}" local URL="${GOTIFY_URL:-"http://localhost"}" if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null; then printf "ERROR: curl not found\n" return 4 fi curl "$URL/message?token=$TOKEN" -F "title=$TITLE" -F "priority=$PRIORITY" -F "message=$1" } if [[ -f "$GOTIFY_CLI_CONFIG_FILE" ]];then # shellcheck disable=1090 source "$GOTIFY_CLI_CONFIG_FILE" fi while :; do case "${1-}" in -h|-\?|--help) printHelp exit ;; -p|--priority) GOTIFY_PRIORITY="$2" shift ;; -t|--title) GOTIFY_TITLE="$2" shift ;; -T|--token) GOTIFY_TOKEN="$2" shift ;; -u|--url) GOTIFY_URL="$2" shift ;; -b|--bash-completion) print_bash_completion exit 0 ;; --) #End of all options shift break ;; -?*) printf "'%s' is not a valid option\n" "$1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) #Break out of case, no more options break esac shift done if [[ -z "${1-}" ]]; then printf "ERROR: No message to send\n" >&2 printHelp exit 2 fi sendMessage "${1-}"